Urgent Fundraising for Little Omar

About this project

We are announcing urgent fundraising towards the treatment of Omar Mammadzada from Azerbaijan. Omar, who will turn 2 years at the end of this month, is suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Omar was a thriving healthy boy in the first year of his life. Then, one day, parents became concerned about Omar’s unusual paleness. Following medical assessments in December 2017, the family was shocked by the confirmation of a dreaded diagnosis. After exploring all the possible options, Omar was urgently transported to the Children’s Oncology Centre in Minsk, Belorussia, where he has been receiving intensive treatment for leukemia.
The second stage of Omar’s treatment, referred to as “consolidation”, and lasting 6 months, is currently nearing the end. The initial two stages of treatment have already been paid for by the family with the aid of a German charity fund. The results of the lumbar puncture released just a week ago were extremely promising and Omar has tolerated the treatment well. However, the family does not have enough resources to continue the prescribed treatment and maintenance procedures. The cost of the next stage is USD 6000 (8000 AUD). If this sum is unavailable, the family will have to return to Azerbaijan, which is very risky for Omar as his immune system remains highly compromised following the medical procedures. We would like to help the family with raising the amount required for the next treatment stage to ensure that Omar receives the necessary care to overcome the life-threatening illness. However, there are only 2 weeks left to raise the required sum.

You can help Omar by making a donation to the Little Cloud Foundation with a reference “Omar”.